As of June 23, 2016 OSHA revised the PEL (Permissible Exposure Limit) for respirable crystalline silica to 0.05 mg/m3. The new PEL has a compliance date of September 23, 2017 for construction. OSHA has stated in their publication Controlling Silica Exposures in Construction, ‘The silica exposures of drywall finishing employees are typically well below allowable limits, primarily due to the low silica content of joint compounds. Nonetheless, drywall joint compounds may contain varying amounts of silica and drywall finishing employees can be overexposed in certain circumstances.’¹ However, since individual exposure to respirable crystalline silica will vary for every jobsite it is not possible for Freeman Products, Inc. to provide any documentation regarding exposure levels. Exposure levels can only be determined by workplace hygiene testing. For more information on the new OSHA rules on respirable crystalline silica please use the following resources.